A valuation of environmental protection and fireworks

Today we all have a lot of discussions about climate change and environmental protection. FLASH ART also bothers extensively with that topic.
Often fireworks are presented as a big polluter.

Of course, we cannot say that fireworks do not leave any ecological footprint, but in relation to its purview, its emotional power and its artistic potential, fireworks is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques for entertaining large crowds.

How do we come to this statement?

A valuation of environmental protection and fireworks


Even the fine dust discussion is certainly justified, because the combustion of organic material causes fine dust. Unlike the fine dust occured by traffic, which consists mainly of abrasion of brake pads and tires, as well as the emissions of older diesel and direct injection younger gasoline, the majority of the fine dust in fireworks arises by charcoal used in the pyros. It can be assumed that a medium fireworks for a city festival corresponds to the burning of 4 to 8 sacks of charcoal (a 10kg). Different from barbecues, where this crowd is more like 30-40 people, we usually talk about thousands of visitors. Alternatives that have been discussed a lot lately, are not less questionable under ecological point of view because of power consumption, transport, usually required samples and adjustments, but to the contrary often much more problematic.